Monday, September 08, 2003

Intuition Is Just Not Good Enough

The death on the cross in not intuitive to people who did not punish criminals by crucifixion. Original sin does not make sense, and is not even a biblical phrase.

I am trinitarian yet trinity does not appear in the Bible, so endless trinitarian metaphors to "explain God" are not all that useful.

But this is quite a shock to people untrained in missiological principles, as taught in hundreds of seminaries and Bible colleges. And it still shocks seminary graduates...

This stuff is not that intuitive! Missionaries just assume it is.

Cross-cultural ministry is a ministry of suffering, of laying down our own lives of comfort and being willing to shed our "identity" in order to become part of another community. The theological word for this is to be "incarnational". And Jesus was a pretty good model for it I think...

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